Join Us in Making Waves to Transform Bait-Making in the New Year

Hello #EasyKasting Community,

As we begin to draft our New Year's resolutions, we find ourselves reflecting on the journey that brought us to this stage. Among our treasured memories, our story of growth, evolution, and relentless pursuit to offer premium skirt tabs at community-friendly prices, stands strong. A tale that threads us together, from the freshwater rivers of the U.S. to the depth-defying oceans around the world.

Looking ahead at the fishing landscape of the coming year, we see a compelling mix of familiar joys and novel challenges. To navigate the flotsam and jetsam, we're reaching out to you, the heart and anchor of the EasyKasting community.

We invite you to lend a hand by choosing to support our three unique programs through our tips page:

Colorful Casts: Custom Skirt Tab Colors: This initiative thrives on your contributions to unveil a vibrantly diverse palette of EK-exclusive skirt tab colors. Thus enhancing the creative spectrum for our fellow anglers.

Smooth Sailing Operations: Day-to-Day Functions: Your support to this cause lets us manage our daily operations seamlessly, from sourcing top-tier silicone skirt materials to constantly optimizing our online store. Your contributions keep our gears well-oiled.

Community Net: Affordable Bait-Making Tackle: Under this banner, your generosity ensures that we continue to offer our quality products at affordable rates, keeping the spirit of bait-making alive for novices and expert DIY builders.

While the choice to donate is entirely up to you, any offer you make will undeniably impact our mission. Each contribution co-authors our journey towards a future where every bait maker enjoys premium quality without feeling the pinch.

As we navigate through these exciting waters into the new year, we cast out a big 'Thank You.' Your engagement enriches our community, empowers our collective dreams, and etches unforgettable trails on the fishing landscape.

So, here's to another year of fruitful bait-making, shared stories, and companionship.

Tight skirt tabs, as always, 
Parker (Mr. Skirt Tabs)

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Become a master at catching big fish using these easy-to-build jigs

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I love this shop. I found the perfect silicone skirt tabs for my jigs, and they shipped the same day!




I'm a fisherman and jig maker I've tried all the different skirt suppliers, but nothing compares to the ones I get here. The variety is great and the prices are affordable. They also have some really cool stuff you can't find anywhere else!




I will start off by saying, I have never been so happy with a product as I am with these silicone tabs. they're perfect for my baits. The quality is outstanding and the price is just right. I would highly recommend easy casting to anyone. Will buy more!!
